Motion #02
To expand the Disciplinary Committee from 11 to 22 members.
SOC notes: This motion will require a two-thirds majority to pass.
4.x currently reads:
“There shall be a Disciplinary Committee, elected to handle all complaints of a disciplinary nature which have not been resolved at Regional or Local Party level. The committee will comprise eleven members, one member from each region, one from the Wales Green Party and a member elected biennially at the autumn conference. The term of office will be two years.”
Replace it with:
“There shall be a Disciplinary Committee, responsible for handling all complaints of a disciplinary nature that have not been or cannot be resolved at Local, Regional or Wales Green Party level, or by another Party body formally recognised by the Green Party Regional Council, and where mediation has been declined or been unsuccessful. The committee will comprise 22 members, two members from each region, two members from the Wales Green Party elected in accordance with their respective Constitutions and two members elected biennially at the Autumn or Spring Conferences. The term of office will be two years.”
Revise SOPD (Standing Orders for Party Discipline) as follows:
2.1. currently reads:
“The Committee shall consist of eleven members of the Party who are not members of the Green Party Executive (GPEx), the Green Party Regional Council (GPRC), Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee (ADRC) or Standing Orders Committee (SOC).”
Replace it with:
“The Committee shall consist of 22 members of the Party who are not members of the Green Party Executive (GPEx), the Green Party Regional Council (GPRC), Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee (ADRC) or Standing Orders Committee (SOC).”
2.2 currently reads:
“The members of the Committee are elected to serve for a two year period.
i) Each GPEW region and the nation of Wales should elect one member to the Committee. In the event of a member leaving the Committee, the relevant Regional Committee or Wales Green Party Committee should hold an election as soon as possible for a full two-year term.
ii) Annual Conference should elect one member to the Committee.”
Replace it with:
“The members of the Committee are elected to serve for a two year period.
i) Each GPEW region and the nation of Wales should elect two members to the Committee. In the event of a casual vacancy, the relevant Regional Committee or Wales Green Party Committee should hold an election as soon as possible for a full two-year term.
ii) Spring and/or Autumn Conference should elect two members to the Committee. An election should be held for a position if one is open at the time of conference.”