Motion #17
The Culture, Media and Sport Policy Chapter received its last major update in 2007, and its last update in 2014. A rewrite is required to reflect changes to the media environment since then.
SOC notes: This motion will require a two-thirds majority to pass.
The Culture, Media and Sport Policy Chapter received its last major update in 2014. Conference believes that a rewrite is required to account for a) institutional developments, such as the foundation of the independent press regulator IMPRESS and changes in Ofcom’s remit b) the growing threats to public service broadcasting (PSB), including the planned privatisation of Channel 4, revision of the definition of PSB, and further incursions on the BBC’s independence c) technological changes and the need for more in-depth policies on digital innovation, data and regulation of tech giants.
This Conference therefore instructs Policy Development Committee to initiate a policy development process to rewrite and update this policy chapter. The process will be undertaken by a working group, which should seek the opinions and involvement of members of the Party with interest or expertise in these fields, as well as the views of NGOs and other relevant organisations and professionals.