Autumn Conference 2022

Motion #12

Enabling Motion for the Natural Resources and Waste Management Policy Chapter

Motion passed


The Natural Resources and Waste Management Policy Chapter received its last major update back in 2006. A rewrite is needed so that the chapter can be expanded in scope to include more policy positions on issues such as radioactive waste and other hazardous materials management.


SOC notes: This motion will require a two-thirds majority to pass.

The Natural Resources and Waste Management chapter of the Policies for a Sustainable Society had its last full rewrite in 2006. Conference believes it is time to refresh and expand the scope of this chapter so that we have clear positions on such topics as radioactive waste.

This Conference therefore instructs Policy Development Committee to initiate a policy development process to rewrite and update this policy chapter. The process will be undertaken by a working group, which should seek the opinions and involvement of members of the Party with interest or expertise in these fields, as well as the views of NGOs and other relevant organisations and professionals.

Last updated on 2022-10-01 at 11:30