Motion #14
Given the wide-ranging remit of conference committees, in particular the Standing Orders Committee, all members should be able to vote for these committee, not just those who have the time and money to register for and attend Autumn Conference. Furthermore, committee membership should increase to accommodate the fact that GPEW
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SOC notes: This motion will require a two-thirds majority to pass.
Add a new article 9 subsection e) of the GPEW constitution, which reads:
“All members of Standing Orders Committee, Campaigns Committee, Conferences Committee, Disputes Resolution Committee, Equality & Diversity Committee, Green World Editorial Board, and International Committee.”
Within article 10 iii) (of the GPEW constitution) replace the words “Conference shall elect” with “There shall be”
Delete the current article 10 iv) and replace with a new article 10 iv) that reads:
“The SOC shall consist of not more than seven members elected by the Annual Ballot. Members of SOC cannot be members of the Green Party Executive, Green Party Regional Council, or Disciplinary Committee.”
Within article 10 xii) a) delete the first paragraph and replace with:
“seven members at the Annual Ballot, to serve until the next Annual Ballot, with vacancies to be filled by co-option.”
Delete the current article 14 ii) and replace with a new article 14 ii) which reads:
“The Campaigns Committee shall comprise seven members elected by the Annual Ballot, with vacancies to be filled by co-option.”
Delete the current article 15 ii) and replace with a new article 15 ii) which reads:
“The International Committee shall comprise seven members elected by the Annual Ballot, with vacancies to be filled by co-option.”
Delete the first paragraph of article 16 iv) and replace with:
“The Green World Editorial Board shall comprise seven members elected by the Annual Ballot.”
Delete the first paragraph of article 18 ii) and replace with a new article 18 ii) which reads:
“The Disputes Resolution Committee shall comprise seven members elected by the Annual Ballot, with vacancies to be filled by co-option.”
Delete article 19 ii) and replace with a new article 19 ii) which reads:
“The Equality & Diversity Committee shall comprise seven members elected by the Annual Ballot, with vacancies to be filled by co-option.”