Autumn Conference 2022

Motion #04

Personal Carbon Allowances

Motion not yet debated


This policy replaces a weak reference to “possible carbon rationing” in CC121 with a strong section committing the Green Party to Personal Carbon Allowances as part of a transition towards a system that can realistically help us to overcome the climate emergency.


CC121 To drive change throughout society the UK should combine a carbon tax and dividend with publicity campaigns and possible carbon rationing. For instance, it should require all adverts for high carbon products, including food, to carry an ‘environmental health warning’. The carbon tax would reflect all emissions of greenhouse gases, not just CO2. It should have a progressive element to deter high individual emitters.

Delete “possible carbon rationing. For instance, it” in first and second sentence and replace with “transition towards Personal Carbon Allowances for personal activities. Publicity campaigns”.

So new CC121 reads

CC121 To drive change throughout society the UK should combine a carbon tax and dividend with publicity campaigns and transition towards Personal Carbon Allowances for personal activities. Publicity campaigns should require all adverts for high carbon products, including food, to carry an ‘environmental health warning’. The carbon tax would reflect all emissions of greenhouse gases, not just CO2. It should have a progressive element to deter high individual emitters.

Then add new section:

Personal Carbon Allowances


A tax and dividend system cannot readily drive the required social and personal behaviour change necessary to overcome the scale of the climate emergency in the time available. A Green government would design and deliver a carbon currency economy that enabled each citizen to spend against a Personal Carbon Allowance that was set annually.

CC123 The budget would be set to limit choice of per capita carbon-intensive activities (e.g. maximum one flight per year) with the aim of rapid reduction in carbon pollution to within safe limits.

CC124 Budgets could not be traded nor could those with lavish lifestyles be expected to be able to maintain their carbon spend, for the good of current and future generations. Additional resources would be made available to those with additional needs, such as those with disabilities. Tax and dividend would only be maintained by the state alongside the carbon currency where necessary for security or increased resilience.

Proposed amendment

Add to CC123 as second sentence:

“The approach is fundamentally egalitarian, not egotistic, and engenders intergenerational equity for current and future generations, as nobody has more than their fair share and each person counts for one and no more than one.”

Last updated on 2022-10-01 at 12:12