Spring Conference 2023

Motion #02

Toolkit for healing divisions in the Green Party

Motion passed


The Green Party has many points of conflict and has been ill-equipped to resolve them. The resulting distress to many members actively prevents us from tackling the climate and social justice emergency. This motion calls for a toolkit for healing these divisions that would make us stronger as a Party.


Insert into Record of Organisational Statements:

Conference instructs GPRC to facilitate the creation of a toolkit for healing divisions within the Party, and to make this toolkit available to local & regional Parties, councillors, activists, and staff.

Aims and scope of the toolkit:

This toolkit should provide learning and development in order to give local & regional parties, councillor groups, activists and staff with tools they need to:

• more fully understand the points of conflict creating ruptures in the Party • have the skills required to resolve conflicts when they arise • renew our trust in each other as fellow activists. • bring Party members together as a team • get members to know each other better • enable members to be better able to work, grow and learn together • collectively develop members’ skills in conflict resolution, decision-making, facilitation, and leadership

Features of the toolkit should include: • group training in conflict resolution, advanced communication, decision-making and non-violent communication (NVC) • training in facilitation, chairing and mediation • equalities training including but not limited to unconscious bias, racial equity, the global & historic impact of racism, misogyny & patriarchy, LGBTIQA+, disability & antisemitism • facilitated dialogue within the group or local party, to safely discuss areas of conflict and embed productive communication skills • informal ‘getting to know each other’ chats to provide opportunities to reconnect with the humanity of each other following the isolating pandemic

Conference further instructs GPRC to:

• bring updates on progress with creating, launching, and rolling out the toolkit to subsequent Conferences • bring a costing for carrying out the actions above to Autumn Conference 2023 for approval, and updated costings where necessary to subsequent conferences for further approval

Last updated on 2023-03-12 at 11:45