Motion #03
This motion calls for all HS2 operations around the Chiltern Aquifer to be paused. It came to light on 18th February 2023, tunnel operations in Ruislip were using a chemical process which HS2 themselves disallowed in tunnelling operations in the same aquifer just to the north, “because we would pollute the aquifer” (paragraph 10)
Chemical foam erupted on Ruislip rugby fields where HS2 operations go through an area of the aquifer under EU derogation licence that demands a return to good chemical quality by 2027. Allowing chemical contamination in this catchment risks preventing compliance with UK commitments on water. EU question. EU answer.
This comes on top of mounting evidence of chromium 6 contamination during HS2 extensive cement/concrete activities in the chalk aquifer. After removing toxins and metals from contaminated water, HS2 feed their Trade Effluent into a public sewage treatment works that doesn’t test or remove metals and overflows pumping of raw sewage into the River Colne
We ask the GPEW and leading representatives to call for an immediate pause to works, pending independent assessment of impacts in source protection zones and for HS2 to demonstrate that tunnelling, piling and concrete works are not worsening aquifer quality, damaging water availability or preventing environmental objectives being met.