Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #10

Amend Paragraph 14 of the Constitution

Motion not yet debated


This motion makes changes to cover practical considerations.  There is no provision for replacing Policy Development Committee members who resign during their 2 year term, leaving PDC unable to function without putting pressure on remaining members.


SOC Note: SOC Note: This motion will require a 2/3 majority to pass.

Conference requests that the following changes should be made to the constitution

Paragraph 14i, insert a new third sentence, “If an elected member resigns before the end of their 2 year term, the Policy Development Committee may co-opt into that vacancy on a temporary basis, pending a new member being elected in the Annual Ballot.”, so that the paragraph reads,

“There shall be a Green Party Policy Development Committee (hereinafter referred to as the PDC) which shall be convened by the Policy Development Co-ordinator and which shall be responsible for providing for consideration by the Party the best available policy options consistent with the Philosophical Basis. The Policy Development Committee shall include five members elected for a term of 2 years by ballot of the entire membership, usually at the same time as the ballot for the membership of the Executive is held. If an elected member leaves before the end of their 2 year term, the Policy Development Committee may co-opt into that vacancy on a temporary basis, pending a new member being elected in the Annual Ballot.  Up to an additional five non-voting members may be co-opted by the elected Committee. This co-option shall take place after an annual skills audit carried out immediately following the election of the elected members, and will take account of:

  • the views of Equality and Diversity Committee
  • the views of relevant special interest groups within the party
  • views of the Association of Green Councillors,
  • and should ensure that at least two members of the Committee have direct experience of serving as a principal authority councillor.

This Committee shall be responsible for enabling, co-ordinating and promoting policy formulation for the Green party. The PDC shall submit a written report to each AGM and Spring Conference.

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20