Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #08

Change the Governance Structures of the Party

Motion not yet debated


This motion changes the composition of the party’s Regional Council and the Executive in line with previous consultations to make them more accountable, democratic (elected proportionally), representative of the party as a whole, and better able to carry out any delegated tasks in order to achieve the party’s aims.


SOC Note: This motion will require a 2/3 majority to pass.

Part One: The Council

This motion calls on Conference to amend Clause 6 of the constitution as follows:

Replace current clause 6 (i) which sets out the purpose of GPRC with the following:

(i) There shall be a Green Party Council (GPC) which shall be responsible for managing the Party’s culture, wellbeing, and governance; creating the political strategy; and setting the political direction of the Party between conferences.

Amendment #1

To clause (6.i): Delete the word ‘culture’, leave this within the remit of Green Party Executive’s oversight of day-to-day direction. Also delete the phrase ‘creating the political strategy’, retaining the current wording from the Constitution, ‘supporting and advising the Executive…on political strategy’. Delete the final clause ‘and setting the political direction of the Party between conferences.’ New text to read: (i) There shall be a Green Party Council (‘GPC’) which shall be responsible for managing the Party’s wellbeing and governance; and supporting and advising the Green Party Executive, particularly on matters relating to political strategy.

(ii) It will be responsible for supporting and advising the Green Party Executive and holding the Executive to account for the delivery of the political strategy.

Amendment #2

To clause (6.ii): Delete the phrase ‘holding the Executive to account for’ from this clause, replacing it with ‘monitor’, and insert text at the end of the sentence, ‘through a quarterly summary statement from the Executive to be circulated to GPC members before their regular meetings.’ New text to read: (ii) It will be responsible for supporting and advising the Green Party Executive and monitor the delivery of the political strategy through a quarterly summary statement from the Executive to be circulated to GPC members before their regular meetings.

Retain current clause 6(ii) regarding policy statements, renumbering to 6(iii).

Retain current clause 6(iii) regarding democratic procedures, renumbering to 6(iv).

Replace current clause 6(iv) regarding elections by region with the following, now numbered 6(v) which increases the size of the Council to better reflect its responsibilities and introduces proportional representation:

Amendment #3

To modify text in the introduction to the new clause (6.v): Insert the word ‘partial’ into the phrase “increases the size of the Council to better reflect its responsibilities and introduces proportional representation:” New text reads: Replace current clause 6(iv) regarding elections by region with the following, now numbered 6(v) which increases the size of the Council to better reflect its responsibilities and introduces partial proportional representation.

The Council shall consist of 36 ordinary members. Each council member’s term will be for three years and 12 people will ordinarily be elected every year, using a single transferable vote (STV) process, as part of the annual ballot. Any member who has been a member for over two years will be eligible to stand.

Amendment #4

##### SOC Note: If amendment 4 falls then amendments 5, 6, 8 and 25 also fall Replace text “The Council shall consist of 36 ordinary members. Each council member’s term will be for three years and 12 people will ordinarily be elected every year, using a single transferable vote (STV) process, as part of the annual ballot. Any member who has been a member for over two years will be eligible to stand.”  With  “The Council shall consist of 32 ordinary members. Once established, each council member’s term will be for three years and a proportion of members will ordinarily be elected every year, using a national single transferable vote (STV) process for 4 of the 12 national members each year and regional annual elections with one regional and Wales representative elected per year for two successive years, with a fallow third year. Any member who has been a member for over two years will be eligible to stand.”  AND insert text: In order to establish the new pattern of voting, this pattern of elections will be required: 2025    10 Regional members A elected for 2 years. 10 Regional members B elected for 3 years. 4 National A members elected for 1 year. 4 National B members elected for 2 years. 4 National C members elected for 3 years. 2026    4 National A members elected for 3 years 2027    10 Regional members A and 4 National B members elected for 3 years, 2028    10 Regional members B and 4 National members C elected for 3 years

There shall be a cap on representation from each region such that no further candidates from a given region will be elected if their election would mean that more than one quarter of the total ordinary council members would be from any one region.

Amendment #5

(Dependent on passing of amendment 4): In the clause “There shall be a cap on representation from each region such that no further candidates from a given region will be elected if their election would mean that more than one quarter of the total ordinary council members would be from any one region” delete the word ‘ordinary’ and insert the word ‘national’. New text reads: There shall be a cap on representation from each region such that no further candidates from a given region will be elected if their election would mean that more than one quarter of the total national council members would be from any one region.

Amendment #33A

In para: There shall be a cap on representation from each region such that no further candidates from a given region will be elected if their election would mean that more than one quarter of the total ordinary council members would be from any one region. Delete “one quarter” and replace with “one sixth”, and insert a new para after the above para which reads: “If following the Annual Ballot the results would produce a Council with no members from Wales or any one English Region as ordinary or additional members, then an additional seat will be created and filled by a candidate elected via instant run-off from all of the eligible candidates in the ballot who were not elected.”

Notwithstanding the regional cap, if following the Annual Ballot the results would produce a Council with fewer than 4 people of colour serving as ordinary or additional members, then up to two additional seats will be created and filled by the top placing people of colour who were not elected. Note that identification as a person of colour is self-determined, and that any vacancies in additional member posts are not filled as though they were casual vacancies.

Amendment #33B

In para starting with "Notwithstanding the regional cap,” delete the following: “will be created and filled by the top placing people of colour who were not elected." And replace with: “will be created. These will be elected to through an additional STV count in the case of two seats or an instant runoff count in the case of a single seat from the eligible candidates in the annual ballot." So that it reads: “Notwithstanding the regional cap, if following the Annual Ballot the results would produce a Council with fewer than 4 people of colour serving as ordinary or additional members, then up to two additional seats will be created. These will be elected to through an additional STV count in the case of two seats or an instant runoff count in the case of a single seat from the eligible candidates in the annual ballot."

Amendment #6

(Dependent on passing Amendment 4): In the clause “If following the Annual Ballot, the results would produce a Council with fewer than 4 people of colour serving as ordinary or additional members, then up to two additional seats will be created and filled by the top placing people of colour who were not elected. Note that identification as a person of colour is self-determined, and that any vacancies in additional member posts are not filled as though they were casual vacancies.”, delete the words ‘Annual Ballot’ and insert ‘each election cycle’. Delete the phrase ‘the top placing people of colour who were not elected’ and insert ‘member(s) nominated by Greens of Colour Special Interest Group’, New clause reads: If following each election cycle, the results would produce a Council with fewer than 4 people of colour serving as ordinary or additional members, then up to two additional seats will be created and filled by member(s) nominated by Greens of Colour Special Interest Group. Note that identification as a person of colour is self-determined, and that any vacancies in additional member posts are not filled as though they were casual vacancies.”

Amendment #27A

In the proposed new clause 6(vii), replace the sentence: “The Chair and Treasurer of the Executive, plus the CEO and the convenors or co-convenors of the International Committee and the Trade Union Liaison Committee will be non-voting members of the Council.” with the following: “The Chair and Treasurer of the Executive, plus the CEO and the convenor or co-convenors of the International Committee will be non-voting members of the Council.”

Amendment #29

Amend Part One\ Insert new clauses 6(vi) to 6(ix) and renumber: vi) In order to preserve the regional spread of the council, in determining the results of annual ballot to elect ordinary members of the council the following requirement will be applied. At the point of the calculating the results of the election each year, the results shall, subject to the caveats outlined in section viii, provide for there to be amongst the membership of the ordinary members of the council: a. At least 1 member of Wales Green Party\ b. At least 1 member of each English Regional Party vii) If at the close of nominations set out in Section 16 Internal Elections and Annual Ballot, part 7 there are insufficient nominations submitted for election to the Council in order that the election can satisfy the requirements set out in part 4 above, then nominations will be re-opened and the requirements to satisfy the constitution published to all members. This re-opened nomination period shall close at noon 5 weekdays prior to the opening of voting. viii) If following the extended nomination process detailed in section vii above, there are insufficient candidates on the ballot to satisfy the requirements set out in section vi above then the election shall proceed to elect the full number of ordinary members as required and will waive the requirements in section vi for this ballot for that particular region, or Wales, as applicable. There will be a significant communication campaign from the council over the subsequent year within the region(s) concerned, or Wales, regarding the need for candidates to put themselves forward. ix) If the result of the annual ballot, subject to the caveats outlined in section viii, would produce a Council which does not meet these requirements, then the STV portion of the election will be re-run with 1 less seat available, and the remaining seat will be elected to through an instant runoff election from the geographically eligible candidates in the annual ballot. This process will be repeated for each unrepresented geographic area outlined above. x) If a member of the council moves to a region of England where they had not been resident at the time of their election, or into Wales, they will continue to be a member of the council. At the next annual election, their current location of membership at time of nomination will be used to determine whether requirements under vi have been met. —————- To similarly ensure a determinate result for the additional seats for people of colour:\ \ Delete "filled by the top placing people of colour who were not elected" And replace with "will be elected to through either an STV  election in the case of two seats or an instant runoff election in the case of a single seat from the eligible candidates in the annual ballot." So that it reads: Notwithstanding the regional cap, if following the Annual Ballot the results would produce a Council with fewer than 4 people of colour serving as ordinary or additional members, then up to two additional seats will be created and will be elected to through either an STV election in the case of two seats or an instant runoff election in the case of a single seat from the eligible candidates in the annual ballot. Note that identification as a person of colour is self-determined, and that any vacancies in additional member posts are not filled as though they were casual vacancies.

Amendment #33C

In para: There shall be a cap on representation from each region such that no further candidates from a given region will be elected if their election would mean that more than one quarter of the total ordinary council members would be from any one region. Delete “one quarter” and replace with “one sixth”, and insert a new para after the above para which reads: “If following the Annual Ballot the results would produce a Council with no members from Wales or any one English Region as ordinary or additional members, then an additional seat will be created and filled by a candidate elected via instant run-off from all of the eligible candidates in the ballot who were not elected.“ In para starting with "Notwithstanding the regional cap,” delete the following: “will be created and filled by the top placing people of colour who were not elected." And replace with: “will be created. These will be elected to through an additional STV count in the case of two seats or an instant runoff count in the case of a single seat from the eligible candidates in the annual ballot." So that it reads: “Notwithstanding the regional cap, if following the Annual Ballot the results would produce a Council with fewer than 4 people of colour serving as ordinary or additional members, then up to two additional seats will be created. These will be elected to through an additional STV count in the case of two seats or an instant runoff count in the case of a single seat from the eligible candidates in the annual ballot."

Insert clause 6(vi):

For the purpose of term limits as set out in Section 5 Clause 20, terms will be considered non-consecutive and will not be counted towards these limits if they are at least 11 months apart or where a member was first elected to a partial term to fill a vacancy.

Insert clause 6(vii):

The Leadership Team i.e. the Green Party Leader (or Co-Leaders), the Deputy Leader (or Deputy Leaders), the Leader (or Co-Leaders) of the Wales Green Party, and the Deputy Leader (or Deputy Leaders) of the Wales Green Party will be voting members of the council. Where a position is a job-share, the role will have a single vote. The two Young Greens Co-Chairs will be voting members of the Council and will have one vote each. The Chair and Treasurer of the Executive, plus the CEO and the convenors or co-convenors of the International Committee and the Trade Union Liaison Committee will be non-voting members of the Council.”

Replace current clause 6(v) regarding casual vacancies with the following, now numbered 6(viii):

Casual vacancies on the Council shall be filled at the next Annual Ballot, for the length of the original term of the casual vacancy they are filling. The Casual vacancies will be elected alongside the full term vacancies using STV over three consecutive selections.

Amendment #7

Delete the whole paragraph starting ‘Casual Vacancies…’ and concluding ‘three consecutive selections’. Insert to current Constitution Clause 6(v) – renumbered to 6(vi) - the phrase ‘, and these members shall have full voting rights. National member casual vacancies shall be filled using the unsuccessful candidate(s) from the original elections who gained the most votes. They will also have full voting rights.’ New text reads: Any casual vacancy on the Regional Council may be filled by the appropriate Region according to its constitution, and these members shall have full voting rights. National member casual vacancies shall be filled using the unsuccessful candidate(s) from the original elections who gained the most votes. They will also have full voting rights.

The first selection will be for 12 seats plus the total number of one and two year casual vacancies, and will be drawn from all candidates in the election.

The second selection will be for 12 seats plus the number of 2 year casual vacancies, and will only be drawn from candidates selected in the first selection. Those unsuccessful in the second round are selected as 1 year casual vacancy role holders.

The third selection will be for 12 seats, and candidates drawn only from those successful in the second selection. Those unsuccessful in the third selection will be selected as 2 year casual vacancy role holders. Those successful in the third selection will be selected as three year term role holders.

Amendment #8

If Amendment 4 is accepted, delete the paragraphs starting, ‘the first’, ‘the second’, ‘the third’.

Retain current clause 6(vi) regarding meeting frequency, now numbered 6(ix).

Retain current clause 6(vii) regarding quoracy, now numbered 6(x).

Replace current clause 6(viii) regarding co-chairs with the following, now numbered 6(xi) which is more inclusive:

Every year at its AGM the Council shall elect by secret ballot from within its number two co-chairs, at least one of whom must be a woman or a non-binary person (noting that gender is self determined), and it shall elect a secretary and a treasurer.

Retain current clause 6(ix) regarding recall of Council members, now numbered 6(xii).

Retain current clause 6(x) regarding recall of the Executive, now numbered 6(xiii).

Retain current clause 6(xi) regarding recall of the Leadership, now numbered 6(xiv).

Retain current clause 6(xii) regarding appeals to recall, now numbered 6(xv).

Replace current clause 6(xiii) regarding reports at meetings with the following, now numbered 6(xvi) which allows for greater accountability:

The Council may request with reasonable notice any member of the Green Party Executive, regional coordinator or the chair(s) of any recognised affiliated group to attend one of its meetings to report on their specific area of responsibility.

Those requested to attend may send another officer in their place.

Amendment #9

In the paragraph, “The Council may request with reasonable notice any member of the Green Party Executive, regional coordinator or the chair(s) of any recognised affiliated group to attend one of its meetings to report on their specific area of responsibility.  Those requested to attend may send another officer in their place.”, insert the word ‘or’ before ‘regional coordinator’, and delete the phrase ‘or the chair(s) of any recognised affiliated group’. New text reads: The Council may request with reasonable notice any member of the Green Party Executive, or regional coordinator to attend one of its meetings to report on their specific area of responsibility. Those requested to attend may send another officer in their place.

Retain current clause 6(xiv) regarding records of business, now numbered 6(xvii).

Amendment #10

Insert into current clause 6(xiv) - renumbered to 6(xvii) - the phrase, ‘Council Secretary will be responsible for posting minutes of meetings to the appropriate Green Space within two weeks of the date of the meeting, including notification if meetings were extended into a further session so the minutes are incomplete on first posting. As Council decisions directly affect members, the Secretary will be accountable to the Executive if minutes are filed late on two or more occasions in one calendar year.” New clause reads: The Regional Council shall keep records of its business, which it shall provide to the Green Party Executive and make available to the membership of the Party, and shall present a written report to the AGM and the Spring Conference. Council Secretary will be responsible for posting minutes of meetings to the appropriate Green Space within two weeks of the date of the meeting, including notification if meetings were extended into a further session so the minutes are incomplete on first posting. As Council decisions directly affect members, the Secretary will be accountable to the Executive if minutes are filed late on two or more occasions in one calendar year.

Insert clause 6(xviii):

The Council will be run according to its Standing Orders which may be amended by a two thirds majority of those Council members voting.

Amendment #11

In the above paragraph, insert the phrase, ‘any such changes to be ratified through a specific vote at Conference by a two third majority vote of Party members voting.’ New clause reads: The Council will be run according to its Standing Orders which may be amended by a two thirds majority of those Council members voting, any such changes to be ratified through a specific vote at Conference by a two third majority vote of Party members voting.

Insert clause 6(xix):

The Appeals committee of the Council will be elected according to the Standing Orders of the Council. The committee will operate according the Standing Orders for Party Discipline.

Insert clause 6(xx) which allows workload to be better shared and delegated:

Where a body requires or otherwise permits one or more members of the Green Party Council to sit ex officio on the body either as voting members or otherwise, the members shall be chosen by the Council from among its own membership in accordance with its own standing orders, without respect to any others (i.e. if the co-chairs of the Council are referenced in the standing orders of another body, the Council may choose another of its members to act in their place).

Amendment #12

Insert into the above paragraph the sentence ‘Any such delegated member shall have the same rights on the other Party body as the named ex officio Council member would have held, and shall be deemed to act on behalf of the person for whom they are delegating, not in their own right.’  New text reads: Where a body requires or otherwise permits one or more members of the Green Party Council to sit ex officio on the body either as voting members or otherwise, the members shall be chosen by the Council from among its own membership in accordance with its own standing orders, without respect to any others (i.e. if the co-chairs of the Council are referenced in the standing orders of another body, the Council may choose another of its members to act in their place). Any such delegated member shall have the same rights on the other Party body as the named ex officio Council member would have held, and shall be deemed to act on behalf of the person for whom they are delegating, not in their own right.

Insert clause 6(xxi), moved from the executive section

xxi) The Party Leadership Team (see 6.vii) shall nominate persons to Spokesperson roles who shall each be responsible for covering a designated area of policy. They shall be appointed only subject to ratification by the Green Party Council, who may approve or reject any nomination. The Council may recall any appointed Spokesperson except the Young Greens Co-Chairs who shall be the Youth and Students Spokespeople.

And amend Clause 9 of the Constitution (Annual Ballot) as follows:

Add to Existing Clause 9) 1), a new part (f) Members of The Council;

And renumber as needed (including references). Delete the term “Regional Council” throughout Clause 6 and elsewhere in the Constitution and replace it with “Council” as required.

Part Two: The Executive

This motion calls on conference to amend Clause 7 of the constitution by deleting the existing Clause 7 and replacing it with the following:


i) There shall be a Green Party Executive (hereinafter referred to as the Party Executive or GPEx) which shall be responsible for the operation of and day-to-day direction of the Party and for executing the political strategy. Certain duties and responsibilities are reserved to other Party bodies specified in this Constitution, in particular Conference, Standing Orders Committee, Green Party Council, Disciplinary Committee, Appeals Committee and Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee. The authority of the Executive does not extend over those reserved duties and responsibilities.

ii) The Leadership Team (see 6.vii) will be voting members of the Executive. Where a position is a job-share, the role will have a single vote. The two Young Greens Co-Chairs will be voting members of the Executive and will have one vote each. The CEO will be a non-voting member of the Executive.

Amendment #32

In the sentence that reads: The Leadership Team i.e. the Green Party Leader (or Co-Leaders), the Deputy Leader (or Deputy Leaders), the Leader (or Co-Leaders) of the Wales Green Party, and the Deputy Leader (or Deputy Leaders) of the Wales Green Party will be voting members of the council. Delete “voting members” and replace with “non-voting member".

Amendment #31

In sentence: ii) The Leadership Team (see 6.vii) will be voting members of the Executive. Where a position is a job-share, the role will have a single vote. Delete “voting members” and replace with “non-voting members”, and delete “Where a position is a job-share, the role will have a single vote.“

The following additional voting members are elected to serve for two years:

a) Chair;

b) Treasurer;

c) Seven ordinary members.

Amendment #34b

Under heading “GREEN PARTY EXECUTIVE”, Delete the following: c) Seven ordinary members. And replace with: c) Policy Development Coordinator d) Six ordinary members.

Amendment #27b

In the proposed amended Clause 7, in ii), after the sentence: “The two Young Greens Co-Chairs will be voting members of the Executive and will have one vote each.” add the following sentence: “The Chair of the Green Party Trade Union Group will be a voting member of the Executive.”

Amendment #13

###### SOC Note: if amendment 13 falls then amendments 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26 and 28 also fall In the paragraph above, delete clause c) and retain the specialist roles listed in the current Constitutional Clause 7(ii), save those already mentioned; Chair, Treasurer (Finance Co-ordinator) and Co-Chairs of Young Greens.  New text to read: The following additional voting members are elected to serve for two years: a) Chair;\ b) Treasurer;\ c) Campaigns Co-ordinator; \ d) Elections Co-ordinator; \ e) External Communications Co-ordinator; \ f) Management Co-ordinator; \ g) International Co-ordinator; \ h) Local Party Support Co-ordinator; \ i) Policy Development Co-ordinator;\ j) Publications Co-ordinator; \ k) Internal Communications Co-ordinator \ l) Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator\ m) Trade Union Liaison Officer

iii) Elections for the GPEx Chair, Treasurer and Ordinary member posts shall be by a ballot of all members of the party with voting included within the Annual Ballot. The Chair and Treasurer shall be elected in one year in individual ballots by instant run off, at the same time as the Leader(s) plus Deputy Leader(s), and the ordinary members in the next year by a seven-seat single transferable vote, so that the two-year terms of the two groups are staggered.

Amendment #28

In Part Two: Executive Amendments to ensure portfolios are adequately covered by those elected in GPEx election. In Part Two: Executive, iii) Add the word “modified”  between ‘seven-seat’ and ‘single transferable vote’ Add new iv) As part of their nomination, those seeking election as ordinary members must list up to three areas of responsibility they consider they are qualified to take on and would be willing to take on from among the formal set of responsibilities in use by GPEx in operation at the time nominations open. If, when nominations close, no candidates list any particular one of the formal set of responsibilities, or it would be impossible to fulfil the requirements of section vi, nominations will be re-opened for a week for candidates who include that/those particular responsibility(ies) among the three they list. Add new v) If following the extended nomination process detailed in section iv above, there are insufficient candidates on the ballot to fill all the formal set of responsibilities set out in section iv above then the election shall proceed to elect the full number of ordinary members as required and will waive any requirements in section vi that cannot be fulfilled. Add new vi) If the result of the annual ballot would produce an Executive which cannot meet the requirement for it to be possible for each responsibility to be covered by someone that listed that responsibility, then the STV portion of the election will be re-run with one less seat available, and the remaining seat will be elected to through an instant runoff election from the candidates in the annual ballot who did list that responsibility. This process will be repeated for each listed responsibility that would otherwise be un-covered, in the sequence of the list provided by GPEx at the time of nominations opening. Renumber current iv as vii and add at end “From time-to-time individual responsibilities may be re-allocated, even if it means that responsibilities are allocated to an ordinary member who did not list a particular responsibility when seeking election, or the formal set of responsibilities be changed (except that the formal set of responsibilities will always include at least one equalities and diversity officer covering all aspects of equality and diversity other than those allocated to another member of the executive, an international officer, and a Trades Union Liaison Officer).”\ \ Renumber subsequent sections.

Amendment #14

(Dependent on Amendment 13 being accepted): in the paragraph above, and any subsequent clauses (iv, vi, xv, xvi) and Constitution (9:1b), delete the word Ordinary and insert the word Specialist. Delete the clause ‘and the ordinary members in the next year by a seven-seat single transferable vote, so that the two-year terms of the two groups are staggered’ and insert ‘. In that same election, by single transferable vote for each role, elections for Elections, Management, Local Party Support, External Communications, and Equality and Diversity Co-ordinators shall be held. The next year, by the same process, elections for Campaigns, International, Policy Development, Publications, Internal Communications Co-ordinators, and Trade Union Liaison Officer shall be held. New text reads: iii) Elections for the GPEx Chair, Treasurer and Specialist member posts shall be by a ballot of all members of the party with voting included within the Annual Ballot. The Chair and Treasurer shall be elected in one year in individual ballots by instant run off, at the same time as the Leader(s) plus Deputy Leader(s). In that same election, by single transferable vote for each role, elections for Elections, Management, Local Party Support, External Communications, and Equality and Diversity Co-ordinators shall be held. The next year, by the same process, elections for Campaigns, International, Policy Development, Publications, Internal Communications Co-ordinators, and Trade Union Liaison Officer shall be held.

iv) Subject to the collective responsibility of the Executive set out in 7 i), 7 xvi) and elsewhere in section 7 or other clauses of the constitution, within one month of the election of the Ordinary Members, GPEx will set out what their areas of responsibility are such that between the Chair, Treasurer and Ordinary Members, GPEx takes accountability for all sub-committees of GPEx and their individual accountabilities are aligned to the Party’s structures and staff responsibilities. This will be done using an appropriate methodology, to ensure an acceptable workload and that each Party Executive’s skills are matches to their portfolio.

Amendment #34C

Then under ‘iv)’ delete “*Chair, Treasurer and Ordinary Members*” and replace with “*Chair, Treasurer, Policy Development Coordinator and Ordinary Members*”, and then delete: “*This will be done using an appropriate methodology*” and replace with: “*This will be done using the methodology set out in Executive’s Standing Orders*”.

Amendment #15

(Dependent on acceptance of Amendment 13): Delete clause (iv) above, as it will be redundant. Renumber subsequent clauses.

v) Procedures for the election of Leader and Deputy Leader(s) or Co-Leaders of the Green Party and their duties and responsibilities are outlined in Section 8 of this Constitution.

vi) Candidates for the GPEx Chair, Treasurer and Ordinary Member positions shall have been a member of the Party for the two complete years preceding the date of close of nominations, and shall be required to complete a standard application form. Nominations of candidates must be supported by the signatures of a minimum of ten members of the Green Party of England and Wales. Or, if they have been a member for a minimum of one complete year preceding the date of close of nominations, their nomination must be supported by a majority of the Green Party Council’s members in attendance at a quorate official meeting of that body.

Amendment #34D

Then under ‘vi)’ delete “*Chair, Treasurer and Ordinary Member*” and replace with “*Chair, Treasurer, Policy Development Coordinator and Ordinary Member*”.
SOC Note: The text which has been struck through in blue below was found to be Out of Order since it creates an ambiguity within the motion

vii) Members of the Party may be nominated for no more than one GPEx post at any one time, and no member may hold more than one post on the Party Executive at any one time. Members of the Party Executive may not hold any other elected office in the Party at national level. Members of the Party may be nominated for both Leader and Deputy Leader(s).

viii) The Party Executive shall meet as necessary and at least once every two months.

ix) A quorum of the Party Executive shall comprise a majority of the total membership eligible to vote.

x) The Party Executive may from time to time create such sub-committees as it considers necessary for the efficient conduct of its business and shall determine their terms of reference, powers, duration and composition at least annually, retaining responsibility for the conduct of such sub-committees and accounting for the conduct of those sub-committees to the Annual Conference. Any such sub-committee shall include at least one member of the Council.

Amendment #16

Insert the words, ‘, chosen by the Executive in liaison with the Council’ at the end of clause (x) above.  New Text Reads: x) The Party Executive may from time to time create such sub-committees as it considers necessary for the efficient conduct of its business and shall determine their terms of reference, powers, duration and composition at least annually, retaining responsibility for the conduct of such sub-committees and accounting for the conduct of those sub-committees to the Annual Conference. Any such sub-committee shall include at least one member of the Council, chosen by the Executive in liaison with the Council.

xi) The Party Executive shall appoint the National Election Agent and in addition may create such posts as it considers necessary.

xii) The Party Leadership Team shall nominate persons to Spokesperson roles who shall each be responsible for covering a designated area of policy. They shall be appointed only subject to ratification by the Green Party Council, who may approve or reject any nomination. The Council may recall any appointed Spokesperson. The Young Greens Co-Chairs shall be the Youth and Students Spokespeople.

Amendment #17

In clause (xii) above, after the words, ‘The Party Leadership Team’, insert the words, ‘, in consultation with the Chair of the Executive’. IF Amendment 13 has been accepted, additionally include the words, ‘and the External Communications Co-ordinator,’

Amendment #18

In clause (xii) above, after the phrase ‘…may approve or reject any nomination’, insert the sentence, ‘Council must provide written reasons to the Executive for any Spokesperson nominee rejected for the role.’

Amendment #19

In clause (xii) above, after the phrase ‘…may recall any appointed Spokesperson’ insert the words, ‘only where a Spokesperson has breached the Spokesperson Code of Conduct more than 5 times in a 12-month period, and after ignoring warnings over behaviour from the Council or Executive.’   Taking the three amendments together, new text reads: xii) The Party Leadership Team, in consultation with the Chair of the Executive and the External Communications Co-ordinator, shall nominate persons to Spokesperson roles who shall each be responsible for covering a designated area of policy. They shall be appointed only subject to ratification by the Green Party Council, who may approve or reject any nomination. Council must provide written reasons to the Executive for any Spokesperson nominee rejected for the role. The Council may recall any appointed Spokesperson only where a Spokesperson has breached the Spokesperson Code of Conduct more than 5 times in a 12-month period, and after ignoring warnings over behaviour from the Council or Executive. The Young Greens Co-Chairs shall be the Youth and Students Spokespeople.

xiii) The Executive shall elect from among its elected members a deputy chair, to assist the chair in their duties, and to act in the role of the chair at any time when the chair is unable to do so. Such elections are to take place at least annually and by the end of November each year.

xiv) By a two-thirds majority of its membership eligible to vote, the Party Executive may suspend from office any member of the Party Executive, if there is evidence of sustained conduct which in the opinion of the Party Executive is against the interests of the Party, subject to any decision of the Council under Clause 6(xii) and subject to the right of such a member to appeal.

xv) In the event of 20% of constituted Local Parties petitioning the Council to recall the GPEx Chair, Treasurer or Ordinary Member, such a member shall be under suspension until a new ballot has been held for that post at a date to be determined by the Council.

Amendment #34E

Under ‘xiv)’ delete “*Chair, Treasurer and Ordinary Member*” and replace with “*Chair, Treasurer, Policy Development Coordinator and Ordinary Member*” and delete “*such a member shall be under suspension*” and replace with “*that person will be suspended from their role on the Executive”.*

xvi) In the event of a casual vacancy (i.e. one not arising in the normal electoral cycle) for a GPEx Chair, Treasurer or Ordinary Member position a replacement shall be appointed in an acting capacity by the Party Executive until the next scheduled ballot is held. An acting replacement will not have voting rights

Amendment #34F

Under ‘xv)’ delete “*Chair, Treasurer and Ordinary Member*” and replace with “*Chair, Treasurer, Policy Development Coordinator and Ordinary Member*”.

xvii) The responsibilities of the Party Executive shall include the following at the national level:

a) to implement the decisions of the Annual Conference;

b) to ensure the proper financial oversight and administration of the Party and fundraising for its operations;

c) to act as the Green Party’s employer of Green Party staff;

d) to keep records of its business, which it shall provide to the Council and make available to the membership of the Party;

e) to present a full written report on its activities and on the financial state of the Party to the Annual General Meeting;

f) to present to the Annual General Meeting a plan for intended activities for the next 12 months

xviii) The Chair, and other Executive members that the Council may from time to time invite shall attend every meeting of the Council to report on the work of the Party Executive, without prejudice to Clause 6 (xiii).

SOC Note: a proposed amendment was here found by SOC to be Out of Order for being trivial, since it amounts to a minor textual amendment which SOC can achieve by itself. The text of the proposed amendment is noted in Appendix 8 for clarity.

xviii) The Chair, and other Executive members that the Council may from time to time invite, shall attend every meeting of the Council to report on the work of the Party Executive, without prejudice to Clause 6 (xiii).

And amend Clause 9 of the Constitution (Annual Ballot) as follows:

Amend existing Clause 9) 1) b) to read: (b) GPEx Chair, Treasurer, and Ordinary Members;

Amendment #34G

Under ‘Amend existing Clause 9) 1) b)’ delete “*Chair, Treasurer and Ordinary Member*” and replace with “*Chair, Treasurer, Policy Development Coordinator and Ordinary Member*”.

Part Three: Changes to Committees


Amend Clause 15 (Campaigning), to make consistent the relationship with GPEx in light of the changes made to GPEx above, so it reads:

i. There shall be a Green Party Campaigns sub-committee (hereafter called the Campaigns Committee) which shall be convened by a specified member of GPEx as set out in 7 iv, and shall be responsible for organising campaigning, consistent with the Objects and Aims set out in part 3.

ii. The Campaigns Committee shall include five members elected at the Annual Conference, with vacancies to be filled by election, or by co-option to be ratified at an intervening conference.

iii. The role of the Campaigns Committee shall be to support and enhance agreed messaging and lobbying related to parliamentary and local council campaigns designed to change the law and policies in pursuit of the Political Strategy; and to give local Green Parties and individual members opportunities and resources to take part in non-electoral campaigns on issues of local and national importance.

iv. The Campaigns Committee shall provide a report to each Annual General Meeting.

v. The Campaigns Committee is a sub-committee of GPEx.

Amend Clause 16 International Committee, to make it a working group of the Council consistent with the Council leading on political issues, and to remove repetition in the current constitution and to require a report to be made annually at conference so it reads:


i. There shall be a Green Party International working group (hereafter called the International Committee) which shall be convened by a convenor or two co-convenors elected by the members of the committee.

Amendment #20

If Amendment 13 has been accepted, retain current Constitution Clause 16.i   Current text of 16.i reads: i. There shall be a Green Party International Committee (hereafter called the International Committee) which shall be convened by the International Co-ordinator.  ii. The International Committee shall include six members elected at Annual Conference with vacancies filled by election or by co-option to be ratified at an intervening conference. iii. The role of the International Committee shall be to support the work of the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) and organise the International work of the party. This includes, among other things, selecting delegates and / or representatives to meetings of fellow Green parties and groupings of Green parties worldwide. iv. The International Committee shall provide a report to each Annual General Meeting. v. The International Committee is a working group of GPRC.

ii. The International Committee shall include six members elected at Annual Conference with vacancies filled by election or by co-option to be ratified at an intervening conference.

iii. The role of the International Committee shall be to support the work of the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) and organise the International work of the party. This includes, among other things, selecting delegates and / or representatives to meetings of fellow Green parties and groupings of Green parties worldwide.

iv. The International Committee shall provide a report to each Annual General Meeting.

v. The International Committee is a committee of the Council.

Add new Clause 17, renumbering other clauses in the constitution as needed, to create a Trade Union Liaison Committee to coordinate the Party’s relationship with the trade union movement and other workers’ organisations:


I. There shall be a Green Party Trade Union Liaison working group (hereafter called the Trade Union Liaison Committee) which shall be convened by a convenor or two co-convenors elected by the members of the committee.

Amendment #22

If amendment 13 has been accepted, in the paragraph above, delete the phrase, ‘a convenor or two co-convenors elected by the members of the committee. Insert the clause, ‘the Trade Union Liaison Officer’. New Text reads: I. There shall be a Green Party Trade Union Liaison working group (hereafter called the Trade Union Liaison Committee) which shall be convened by the Trade Union Liaison Officer.

II. The Trade Union Liaison Committee shall include five members elected at Annual Conference with vacancies filled by election or by co-option to be ratified at an intervening conference.

III. The role of the Trade Union Liaison Committee shall be to support the work of GPEW and coordinate and strengthen the Party’s work with the trade union movement and other workers’ organisations.

IV. The Trade Union Liaison Committee shall provide a report to each Annual General Meeting.

V. The Trade Union Liaison Committee is a committee of the Council.

Amendment #27C

Remove the following: “Add new Clause 17, renumbering other clauses in the constitution as needed, to create a Trade Union Liaison Committee to coordinate the Party’s relationship with the trade union movement and other workers’ organisations: 17 TRADE UNION LIAISON COMMITTEE I. There shall be a Green Party Trade Union Liaison working group (hereafter called the Trade Union Liaison Committee) which shall be convened by a convenor or two co-convenors elected by the members of the committee. II. The Trade Union Liaison Committee shall include five members elected at Annual Conference with vacancies filled by election or by co-option to be ratified at an intervening conference. III. The role of the Trade Union Liaison Committee shall be to support the work of GPEW and coordinate and strengthen the Party’s work with the trade union movement and other workers’ organisations. IV. The Trade Union Liaison Committee shall provide a report to each Annual General Meeting. V. The Trade Union Liaison Committee is a committee of the Council.”

Amendment #23

If Amendment 13 has been accepted, in the clause above, delete the acronym ‘GPRC’ and insert the acronym ‘GPEx’

Amend Clause 20 Equalities and Diversity Committee , to make consistent the relationship with GPEx in light of the changes made to GPEx above, so it reads:

SOC Note: a proposed amendment was here found by SOC to be Out of Order for being trivial, since it amounts to a minor textual amendment which SOC can achieve by itself. The text of the proposed amendment is noted in Appendix 8 for clarity.

Amend Clause 20 Equalities and Diversity Committee, to make consistent the relationship with GPEx in light of the changes made to GPEx above, so it reads:


i. There shall be a Green Party Equalities Equity Diversity and Inclusion sub-committee (hereafter called the EEDI Committee) which shall be convened by a specified member of GPEx as set out in 7 iv.

Amendment #24

If Amendment 13 has been accepted, in the paragraph above, delete the words, ‘a specified member of GPEx as set out in 7 iv.’ Insert the words, ‘the Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator’. New text reads: i. There shall be a Green Party Equalities Equity Diversity and Inclusion sub-committee (hereafter called the EEDI Committee) which shall be convened by the Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator.

ii. The EEDI Committee shall include five members elected by Annual Conference with vacancies filled by election or by co- option to be ratified at an intervening conference.

iii. The EEDI Committee shall also include a representative of each group that is recognised as a Members Working Group by the EEDI Committee.

iv. The EEDI Committee shall provide a report to each Annual Conference.

v. The role of the EEDI Committee shall be to support the work of GPEx to improve Equalities Equity Diversity and Inclusion within the Green Party.

And renumber as needed (including references). Delete the term “Regional Council” throughout Clause 7 and elsewhere in the Constitution and replace it with “Council” as required.

Part Four: Transition


Following the passage of this motion we will transition to the new format of the Council as follows: At the first Annual Ballot after the passage of this motion, exactly 12 Council seats shall be up for election. At all future Annual Ballots, 12 seats shall ordinarily be up for election for three year terms in addition to any elections to vacancies as set out above.

At the conclusion of the first Annual Ballot after the passage of this motion, any current members of the Regional Council will transition to become full voting members of the Council, with their terms expiring in line with their existing mandate. If any such Regional Councillor either leaves the Council or is elected to the Council in their own right, the Region which elected them as a Regional Councillor shall not replace them.

Amendment #25

If Amendment 4 has been accepted, delete the two transition paragraphs. Insert the words, ‘Details of new election processes for the Council are outlined in Constitution clause 6(v). For ease of reference, it is repeated here: The Council shall consist of 32 ordinary members. Once established, each council member’s term will be for three years and a proportion of members will ordinarily be elected every year, using a national single transferable vote (STV) process for 4 of the 12 national members each year and regional annual elections with one regional and Wales representative elected per year for two successive years, with a fallow third year. Any member who has been a member for over two years will be eligible to stand  In order to establish the new pattern of voting, this pattern of elections will be required: 2025    10 Regional members A elected for 2 years. 10 Regional members B elected for 3 years. 4 National A members elected for 1 year. 4 National B members elected for 2 years. 4 National C members elected for 3 years.  2026    4 National A members elected for 3 years 2027    10 Regional members A and 4 National B members elected for 3 years, 2028    10 Regional members B and 4 National members C elected for 3 years


Following the passage of this motion we will transition to the new format of Executive as follows: At the first Annual Ballot held in an even numbered year after the passage of this motion, the terms of all incumbent members of the Executive will expire – and the Chair and Treasurer of the Executive will be elected to ordinary two year terms. This shall also apply to the Leader and Deputy leader roles, which shall be elected in the same year as the Chair and Treasurer per section 7 above. The seven ordinary members shall be elected first for a term of only one year, and at any subsequent Annual Ballot in an odd numbered year shall be elected to an ordinary term of two years.

Amendment #27D

Under the heading ‘Part Four: Transition’, under the sub-heading ‘Executive’, after the sentence: “At the first Annual Ballot held in an even numbered year after the passage of this motion, the terms of all incumbent members of the Executive will expire – and the Chair and Treasurer of the Executive will be elected to ordinary two year terms.” add the following sentence: “The Chair of the Green Party Trade Union Group shall become a member of the Executive when the term of the incumbent Trade Union Liaison Officer on the Executive expires.”

Amendment #26

If Amendment 13 has been accepted, delete the transitional passage above. Insert the text below; “Details of new election processes for the Executive are outlined in Constitutional clause 7(iii). For ease of reference, it is repeated here: iii) Elections for the GPEx Chair, Treasurer and Specialist member posts shall be by a ballot of all members of the party with voting included within the Annual Ballot. The Chair and Treasurer shall be elected in one year in individual ballots by instant run off, at the same time as the Leader(s) plus Deputy Leader(s). In that same election, by single transferable vote for each role, elections for Elections, Management, Local Party Support, External Communications, and Equality and Diversity Co-ordinators shall be held. The next year, by the same process, elections for Campaigns, International, Policy Development, Publications, Internal Communications Co-ordinators, and Trade Union Liaison Officer shall be held. Therefore, elections in Summer 2025 will be for Leader(s), Deputy Leader(s), and GPEx roles; Chair, Treasurer, Elections Co-ordinator, Management Co-ordinator, Local Party Support Co-ordinator, External Communications Co-ordinator and Equality and Diversity Co-ordinator.  In Summer 2026, elections will be for Campaigns Co-ordinator, International Co-ordinator, Policy Development Co-ordinator, Publications Co-ordinator, Internal Communications Co-ordinator and Trade Union Liaison Officer. Those currently in those posts will retain them until Summer 2026.”

Amendment #30

INSERT INTO THE MOTION at the end of PART THREE the following text: In the Constitution, 14. POLICY MAKING Replace in 14(i) only the sentence that reads: *There shall be a Green Party Policy Development Committee (hereinafter referred to as the PDC) which shall be convened by the Policy Development Co-ordinator and which shall be responsible for providing for consideration by the Party the best available policy options consistent with the Philosophical Basis.* With the following: *There shall be a Green Party Policy Development Committee (hereafter called PDC) which shall be convened by a specified member of GPEx as set out in 7 iv. PDC shall be responsible for providing for consideration by the Party the best available policy options consistent with the Philosophical Basis.*

Amendment #34A

INSERT INTO THE MOTION at the end of PART THREE the following text: In the Constitution, 14. POLICY MAKING Under14(i) delete the sentences that reads: *There shall be a Green Party Policy Development Committee (hereinafter referred to as the PDC) which shall be convened by the Policy Development Co-ordinator and which shall be responsible for providing for consideration by the Party the best available policy options consistent with the Philosophical Basis. The Policy Development Committee shall include five members elected for a term of 2 years by ballot of the entire membership, usually at the same time as the ballot for the membership of the Executive is held.* And replace with the following: *There shall be a Green Party Policy Development Committee (hereinafter referred to as the PDC) which shall be convened by the Policy Development Co-ordinator. PDC will be responsible for supporting and coordinating the work of Policy Working Groups as well as administering key aspects of the party’s democratic policy process, as set out in its standing orders. PDC’s aim is to provide the Party, for consideration at conference, the best available policy options consistent with the Philosophical Basis. The Policy Development Committee shall include six members elected for a term of 2 years each by ballot of the entire membership, which three people elected each year.*
Part Five: Incorporation

Conference instructs the Council through its Party Structures Working Group to bring further motions to enable the incorporation of the Party or to make further constitutional reforms to the structure of the Party, which will be heard as reports at Conference.

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20