Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #13

Enabling Motion for Crime and Justice Policy Voting Paper

Motion passed


The Crime and Justice section of the Policies for a Sustainable Society (PfSS) document was last updated in 1990, and substantial revisions are needed both to address the changed landscape of criminal justice and to present a more coherent, versatile vision of a Green justice system.


The Crime and Justice section of the Policies for a Sustainable Society (PfSS) document was last updated in 1990. Large portions of it are now out of date, or have been superseded by more recent developments in both the law and in the social systems within which the law is embedded.

Conference recognises the need to revise this chapter and address both the changed landscape of criminal justice in England and Wales in the intervening 30+ years and to present a more coherent, versatile and (so far as is possible) future-proofed vision of a Green justice system.

Conference therefore instructs Policy Development Committee (PDC) to initiate a policy development process to re-write and update this chapter.

This process will be undertaken by a Crime and Justice Policy Working Group (PWG) which should seek and welcome the input of members of the party with an interest or expertise in relevant fields, including other relevant working groups, as well as consulting wherever possible with relevant NGOs and professionals.

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20