Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #01

Extraordinary Conference for Remaining Conference Business

Motion not yet debated


It has become increasingly difficult for motions to be heard at Conference even where they are non-contentious but cannot be fast-tracked. There are increasing attempts to reorder Conference agendas, which absorbs time. This motion attempts to address this by allowing GPRC to call Extraordinary Conferences to hear motions not reached.


SOC Note: SOC Note: This motion will require a 2/3 majority to pass.

Section 10 (Conferences), clause viii of the Constitution reads:

viii) Any Annual Conference may decide to convene a Conference which will take place earlier than the next Annual Conference and which shall have those powers delegated to it by the convening Annual Conference. Such a Conference shall be called an Extraordinary Party Conference and shall be governed by the same Standing Orders as an Annual Conference. Any or all of the powers of an Annual Conference may be so delegated, including the power to amend this Constitution, but the resolution convening such a Conference must specify which powers are being delegated.

Insert new clause ix as follows:

ix) GPRC may also call an Extraordinary Party Conference to reach a resolution on any or all outstanding business (including Late and Emergency motions) not reached at the most recent Conference. No other business may be discussed at an Extraordinary Party Conference called by GPRC. An Extraordinary Party Conference may only be called by GPRC with at least four weeks’ notice and must allow for remote attendance.

In Section A1 (Pre-agenda submissions, Initiating a motion to Conference), insert new clause A1.7

A1.7) There will be no ability to initiate new business for an Extraordinary Conference called by GPRC.

In Section B3 (First Agenda Submissions, Publication of First Agenda) insert new clause B3.5

B3.5) For an Extraordinary Conference called by GPRC, the First Agenda will contain the motions and amendments set out in the notice by GPRC.

In Section C1 (Amendments, Late Motions and Final Agenda submissions, Amendment Submissions) insert new clause C1.8

C1.8) There will be no ability to submit new amendments for motions at an Extraordinary Conference called by GPRC

Section D (Agenda Deadlines Countdown), clause 9 (Republishing of motions for an Extraordinary Conference) of the Standing Orders for the Conduct of Conference reads:

D9) For an Extraordinary Conference only the deadlines in Section D may be set aside by SOC for motions and amendments that were correctly submitted to the Agenda of the conference that resolved to hold the Extraordinary Conference, and were found to be In Order. Such items from the Agenda of the conference resolving to hold the Extraordinary Conference may be republished in the Agenda of the Extraordinary Conference.

Replace this with the following:

D9) For an Extraordinary Conference called by resolution of Conference, only the deadlines in Section D may be set aside by SOC for motions and amendments that were correctly submitted to the Agenda of the conference that resolved to hold the Extraordinary Conference, and were found to be In Order. For an Extraordinary Conference called by GPRC, these deadlines will be set aside by SOC for motions (and any amendments to motions) set out in the notice by GPRC calling the Extraordinary Conference. Such items from the Agenda of the conference resolving to hold the Extraordinary Conference may be, or in the notice by GPRC calling the Extraordinary Conference will be, republished in the Agenda of the Extraordinary Conference.

In Section F1 (The Final Agenda, Prioritisation Ballot), insert new clause

F1.2) There will be no Prioritisation Ballot for Extraordinary Conferences called by GPRC

In Section F2 (The Final Agenda, Order of Final Agenda), insert new clause

F2.8) For Extraordinary Conferences called by GPRC, the order of motions in the Final Agenda will be as at the Conference the motions were originally due to be heard at.

Section G2 (Attendance and Registration, Attendance), clause G2.2 reads:

G2.2) Non-members may attend any session of Conference on payment of the appropriate fee but they may be excluded from any session by a majority vote of those members attending that session. This provision may be set aside or limited to specific non-members, for an Extraordinary Conference only, by the motion and subsequent resolution that establishes the Extraordinary Conference.

Replace “motion and subsequent resolution with “motion or GPRC notice”, so that it reads:

G2.2) Non-members may attend any session of Conference on payment of the appropriate fee but they may be excluded from any session by a majority vote of those members attending that session. This provision may be set aside or limited to specific non-members, for an Extraordinary Conference only, by the motion or GPRC notice that establishes the Extraordinary Conference.

In Section I (Elections at Conference), clause d reads:

d) SOC shall ensure that adequate time is made available for full and frank hustings to be held for all elections to be held during Conference at a suitable time that does not conflict with plenary or scheduled workshops. For an Extraordinary Conference only the motion calling for such a conference can provide for hustings to be held prior to the commencement of conference.

Replace Extraordinary Conference with “Extraordinary Conference called by resolution of Conference” so that it reads

d) SOC shall ensure that adequate time is made available for full and frank hustings to be held for all elections to be held during Conference at a suitable time that does not conflict with plenary or scheduled workshops. For an Extraordinary Conference called by resolution of Conference only the motion calling for such a conference can provide for hustings to be held prior to the commencement of conference.

Insert new clause i which reads

i) There will be no elections at an Extraordinary Conference called by GPRC

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20