Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #06


Motion passed


East Midlands GP: Carl Benfield*,Debra Cooper, Paul Freeman, Heather Gilbert, Greg Simpson, Martin Blake, Darren Yates, Colin Boyle, Ben Gray


I am intending proposing a motion for the Party to take a well articulated position on Freeports. After a reasonable level of investigation into the East Midlands Freeport in my Constituency, it is clear that the concerns apply across the whole of the UK. The lack of transparency, dubious economic

SOC Note: Synopsis word limit reached


Insert into the Record of Policy Statements:

The Green Party opposes the introduction of Freeports and Special Economic Zones across the United Kingdom. Introduction of these areas displaces economic activity from elsewhere and reduces tax revenue that is so desperately needed by our public services. The lack of transparency in decision making and reductions in environmental, planning and employment legislation are all reasons that should alarm every UK citizen.

Amendment #1

add text: ‘*The Green Party notes that Freeports potentially threaten Trade Union rights to organise within workplaces to protect workers’ rights to proper pay and conditions. If Freeports are introduced in spite of opposition, all relevant Trade Unions must be fully consulted and allowed to organise their members within Freeport workplaces* .’

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20