Green Party Conference Agenda

Motion #15

GPEW and the Global Climate and Ecological Emergency

Motion not yet debated


The GPEW to be better prepared to campaign about the Global Climate and Ecological Emergency (GCEE).


Conference reaffirms the views expressed in the Climate Emergency chapter of PFSS that “The Climate Emergency is the greatest issue of our time. It is a global crisis demanding a global response” and that “The UK should play a leading role by strengthening international agreements and rapidly reducing its own emissions”.  (CC001)

Conference also reaffirms the view set out in the Core Values Statement that

“Electoral politics is not the only way to achieve change in society” (from 10th core value)

Conference believes that all governments, including the UK and its 4 nations will only honour the commitments made at Paris and subsequently and take the necessary action to address the Global Climate and Ecological Emergency if they are placed under sufficient pressure from their citizens to do so.

Conference therefore calls on the Green Party Executive Committee, all internally elected members and our Members of Parliament to prioritise the use of the party’s resources to build a campaign to demand that our government adequately responds to the GCEE, working with other organisations and individuals at local party level, regionally and at all levels of governance.

Conference also calls on GPEX and the International Committee to prioritise promoting co-operation with The European Green Party and Global Greens to build an effective global campaign to combat the GCEE, focussing on future global summits, including COP.

Conference resolves to add the following to the Climate Emergency Chapter of Policies for a Sustainable Future:

New CC015 and subsequent renumbering:

The GPEW should seek to work with other organisations and individuals to demand that our government takes effective action in response to the Global Climate and Emergency. The GPEW should also seek to work with The European Green Party and Global Greens to help build an effective global climate action movement, with a focus on future global summits, including COP.


SOC Note: The background for this motion is located at Appendix 5

Last updated on 2024-09-08 at 15:20