Autumn Conference 2022

Motion #11

Equality and diversity coordinators report

Motion passed


We would both like to thank the Equalities & Diversity Committee members and the representatives of the various liberation groups who have regularly contributed to our monthly meetings. Without their input we could not function as a democratic and inclusive body.

Some of our work undertaken this year has included creating a template draft constitution for use by different groups within the GPEW to standardize their procedures. As well as writing a volunteer ED&I officers job description to be used throughout the GPEW.

Previously, E&D has been a neglected political backwater for the Green Party. However, with a marked increase in societal awareness of the plights of marginalized groups, as well as a determination by key individuals within the party, the role of E&D has steadily increased.

This being the case, GPEW undertook a diversity audit earlier this year. In June, the report was completed and included 64 key Recommendations for the party to adopt in our attempts to move forward in our efforts to diversify. The findings of the Diverse Matters report will be presented formally in the near future.

In 2022 unresolved E&D issues are a very real threat to the party and wider society. How can a workable alternative to the current political mess be offered to voters if so-called progressives are fighting amongst themselves? Key is how does the party take on board the fears of Trans members and simultaneously address the concerns of some feminist members? Members of both groups are feeling side-lined.

Moreover, we openly display ageism and BAME members are still woefully under-served. Most worryingly, according to Gov UK website, almost 20% of the population are disabled, impaired or suffer long term health conditions. To the party’s shame, we are currently the party that is least accommodating to disabled people and we ignore this very sizeable group at our political peril. Disregarding the plight of disabled members is also possibly a breach of our legal requirements.

In conclusion, going forward, the GPEW needs to show a real commitment to ED&I, if the party intends to grow. There have been concerted attempts by predecessors in E&D to have these issues taken on board. It is to them and those current serving individuals -who pushed the audit forward- that credit ultimately belongs to.

Amendment #1

Amendment passed


“Key is how does the party take on board the fears of Trans members and simultaneously address the concerns of some feminist members? Members of both groups are feeling side-lined. Moreover, we openly display ageism and BAME members are still woefully under-served.”

Replace with: Key is how does the party tackle the discrimination and marginalisation experienced by members? Such as transphobia, homophobia, ageism, racism, antisemitism, misogyny, ableism & classism, which is openly displayed in the party.

Last updated on 2022-10-01 at 15:13