Spring Conference 2023

Motion #10

Transition Benefit

Motion not yet debated


Motion to add to policy on trans rights to provide, in principle, for financial support.


Add a new point RR539 into the Trans Rights section of the Responsibilities and Rights chapter of PSS.

The Green Party recognises that gender reassignment can create additional financial pressures for a trans person. GPEW supports the establishment of a Transition Benefit which can be awarded to a trans person to meet consequential expenses; additionally the Benefit could be paid as an alternative to Jobseeker’s Allowance for any period where a trans person is not ready to seek employment.

Amendment #1

Not yet debated

Remove “additionally the Benefit could be paid as an alternative to Jobseeker’s Allowance for any period where a trans person is not ready to seek employment.” so it reads “Add a new point RR539 into the Trans Rights section of the Responsibilities and Rights chapter of PSS. The Green Party recognises that gender reassignment can create additional financial pressures for a trans person. GPEW supports the establishment of a Transition Benefit which can be awarded to a trans person to meet consequential expenses.” .

Last updated on 2023-03-11 at 12:21