Spring Conference 2023

Motion #30

Provision for Motion Recall

Motion not yet debated


Following widespread dissatisfaction with the subsequent discovery of unprecedented procedural irregularities regarding the passage of a late motion at the end of the final plenary at Autumn 2022 conference, this motion would create a provision for members to recall a motion when serious, significant procedural irregularities have come to light.


In Standing Orders for Conduct of Conference:

Under “Section E2: Motions that are Out of Order: First Agenda”, add an exception to paragraph i):

“, unless serious and significant procedural irregularities have come to light that would justify a move to recall a motion as per section H. 14 below;”

Under “Section H: Conference Procedure”, add new sub-section H14 following after H.13 as follows:

“H.14. Recall of motions

In the event that serious and significant procedural irregularities concerning the passage of a conference motion come to light, at or after conference, it will be allowable for members to bring a motion to a subsequent conference to recall that motion.”

Last updated on 2023-03-11 at 12:29