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Spring Conference 2022

Motion #E08

Amending 'Humans in Society' in the philosophical basis to bring it up to date

Motion not debated


Autumn Conference 2021 instructed the Rights and Responsibilities Policy Working Group (R&RPWG) to review and update the Rights and Responsibilities Chapter and relevant elements of the Philosophical Basis of Policies for a Sustainable Society. The R&RPWG is proposing the following changes which it considers to be essential to its work.


In the ‘Humans in Society’ element of the Philosophical Basis, delete;

PB301 Implementing the policies which will create an ecological society will necessarily take many years. It will require a great deal of social change if we are to accommodate the massive environmental changes facing us. We can, nevertheless, identify a number of principles upon which a truly sustainable society will be based.

And replace it with;

PB301 Climate and Ecological Emergency

Implementing the policies which will create an ecological and egalitarian society has never been more important. It will require a great deal of social change if we are to address the existential environmental threats now facing us. We therefore propose a number of principles upon which a truly sustainable society will be based.

Also in the ‘Humans in Society’ element of the Philosophical Basis, delete;

PB303 Equality

The legitimate interests of all people are of equal value. The Green Party rejects all forms of discrimination whether based on disability, race, colour, sex, religion, national origin, social origin or any other prejudice. We accept the need for social institutions to protect the interests of the powerless against the powerful.

And replace it with;

PB303 Social Equality

The Green Party believes that all people are of equal value, and recognises that as individuals and groups we are subject to intersecting characteristics including, but not limited to, disability, age, race, colour, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, class, faith or belief, that can give rise to discrimination and disadvantage. The Green Party rejects all forms of discrimination, and recognises that entrenched systemic beliefs and practices impact on people in very different ways. We believe that discriminatory behaviour by individuals and social institutions should be actively challenged. We accept the need for laws and social institutions to protect the interests of disadvantaged individuals and groups.

Last updated on 2022-03-09 at 04:10