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Spring Conference 2022

Motion #E01

Proposed Motion to Condemn and Campaign Against the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill

Motion passed


The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill is dangerously authoritarian, effectively banning protests opposed by the government. It is moving through Parliament with little debate and sparse media analysis. This motion condemns the Bill, commits us to repealing it should it become law, and upholds our values of peaceful protest.


Conference notes the government’s Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill. Conference condemns this Bill as grossly authoritarian and unsuitable for any democracy to enact as law, as it infringes substantially on the essential rights of free speech, free protest, free assembly, and free conscience.

Conference commits the Green Party of England & Wales to fighting this Bill at every possible stage in all possible ways before it becomes law, and to fighting for its repeal in all possible ways should it become law. Conference condemns this attempt of the government to curtail our fundamental and hard-won rights and freedoms.

Conference asserts that the proposed 10 year penalty for damaging memorials is grossly disproportionate, exceeding many penalties given for violent crimes.

Conference acknowledges that the Bill’s proposals to criminalise “unauthorised encampments” and trespass seem designed to target Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, and condemns these measures as discriminatory.

Conference also upholds the values of peaceful protest and direct action, recognising that they form an essential part of a healthy democracy. Conference recognises the following as legitimate peaceful protest tactics:

  • Attaching oneself to another person, object or to land, often termed “locking on”

  • Obstructing non-emergency transport and infrastructure works

  • The creation of noise, through chanting, shouts, speeches, music and other means

  • Encouraging others to attend a protest, publicly or privately.

  • Various other protest tactics proscribed in the Bill.

Last updated on 2022-05-26 at 01:32