Autumn Conference 2023

Motion #03

Ensure Diversity of Candidates in Internal Elections

Motion not debated


This motion introduces the nomination reopening process used in much of the party (such as General Election selection) to encourage diverse candidates for the Annual Ballot. It aims to avoid situations like the all-male Deputy Leadership election in 2022.


SOC Note: This motion will require a 2/3 majority to pass.

In Section 9 of the Constitution (Annual Ballot), Clause 9(iii) currently reads:

iii) “The nominations for all posts included in an Annual Ballot shall open at 10.00 on the first week-day in June and close at noon on the last week-day in June.  Voting shall close on receipt of the last post on the last week-day of August or five week-days before the start of the Autumn conference, whichever is the sooner.”

Insert new clause 9(iv) and renumber:

iv) After nominations in the Annual Ballot close, where there are posts where the valid nominations do not include candidates who, between them, fulfil the following criteria, nominations will reopen. These criteria are women or non-binary people (noting that gender is self-determined), people of colour, and people who self-identify as having a disability. Nominations must reopen within three working days of nominations closing and must remain open for at least one full week. In this extended nomination period, nominations will only be accepted from candidates who fit (at least one of) the criteria unrepresented in the first round of nominations which led to the reopening of nominations.

Amendment #1

Where it says:

“women or non-binary people (noting that gender is self-determined), people of colour, and people who self-identify as having a disability"

Replace with:

“women or non-binary people (noting that gender is self-determined), people of colour, LGBTIQA+ people, young people aged 30 and under, and people who self-identify as having a disability”

Insert at the end of the motion:

In Section “referred to in Clause 5(xvii): Selection of Candidates for the House of Commons”

Where it says “e) If, following the first close of nominations, there is not at least one female nominee, there must be a second call for nominations.”

Replace with: “e) If, following the first close of nominations, where the valid nominations do not include candidates who, between them, fulfill the following criteria, nominations will reopen. These criteria are women or non-binary people (noting that gender is self-determined), people of colour, LGBTIQA+ people, young people aged 30 and under, and people who self-identify as having a disability. Nominations must reopen within three working days of nominations closing and must remain open for at least one full week. In this extended nomination period, nominations will only be accepted from candidates who fit (at least one of) the criteria unrepresented in the first round of nominations which led to the reopening of nominations. Whilst the central party does not have rules governing local council and regional candidate selection, every effort should be made to encourage diversity.”

Last updated on 2023-10-21 at 11:41