Autumn Conference 2023

Motion #16

Jewish Greens

Motion passed

This has been a successful year for Jewish Greens. We have continued with our programme of running regular and well attended public events, which have this year focussed on working with other marginalised groups to support them, to assist with their political goals, and to build networks of support and allyship between communities. These have included:

  • An event with Uyghur and Tibetan leaders on genocide and political violence in East Asia, which draws on common histories of genocide, repression and political violence.
  • An event on Gypsy, Roma, and Traveller rights, to help build support for the repeal of the Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Act 2022, and in advance of a proposed new Green Party policy to address barriers affecting GRT communities and ensure equity, equality, and justice for these communities.

Other events:

  • We were joined at our AGM by a keynote speaker from Sadeh Farm, the only Jewish farm in Europe, providing environmental education to the Jewish community and beyond. Zack later joined them.
  • With Yachad - who promote change in the UK Jewish communities stance on Israel-Palestine - analysing changes in the British Jewish communities’ relationships with Israel.

Our next is a members meeting in preparation for Conference.

Particular thanks go to Sam who has spent many hours on these, inviting excellent speakers.

Our treasurer, Zack, partly through his secondary role as Deputy Leader of the Green Party, has also been busy attending Jewish community events, including a Tu Bishvat Seder at West London Synagogue.

We have also continued with work inside the party, running antisemitism training for Peterborough and Ealing Green Parties, revamping our website, expanding our committee, engaging and advising other bodies within the Green party where issues involving the Jewish community come up.

In terms of membership - according to the latest figures composed by Vivien, our membership officer, we have 75 full members and 40 ally members, and 250 people on our mailing list.

Financially we have held steady and managed not to make a loss.

Last updated on 2023-10-21 at 11:41