Autumn Conference 2023

Motion #09

Equalities & Diversity (E&D) Committee

Motion passed

After two years at the helm of GPEW’s Equality and Diversity Committee, the outgoing pairing of Zi Neil and Rashid Nix present their 2023 report.

The GPEW now has a vibrant and functioning E&D group which regularly meets and continues to have a positive impact within and without the party. E&D committee is an example of good, inclusive politics. Debates are lively, but respectful and inclusive. Challenges are numerous, but solvable

According the 2010 Equalities Act, there are 9 protected characteristics. But, it is obvious GPEW does not apply proportionately equal resources to the 9 areas. This is potentially problematic and could leave the GPEW open to further damaging and resource consuming litigation.

Moreover, GPEW has an ongoing issue re numbers and retention of BAME members. This inability to attract, hold and nurture BAME talents is a huge stumbling block to growth. In certain boroughs/constituencies/wards BAME voters may constitute sizeable percentage of voters, but are rarely represented in much of our publicity or membership material making the party appear unwelcoming. There has been a huge shift in the role BAME politicians are represented, so the GPEW are way behind other parties.

The diversity audit carried out by Diverse Matters, provides an accurate overall picture of where the party stands in relation to Diversity and Inclusion of Staff and membership. The report also went a step further and offered practical solutions to issues. The GPEW should take on board as many as the report’s recommendations as possible. DM is a politically neutral organisation, with no political or ideological axe to grind.

The report suggested Mediation as a way thru the situation between Trans Activists and Gender Critical members. As E&D Coordinators with experience of Conflict Resolution, Police and Community interface sessions, Interfaith religious meetings and gang intervention workshops…there has to be constructive dialogue in order to heal this political rift. Unfortunately, there are still reports of Bullying experienced by members and we suffered the resignation of an elected councillor

Diverse Matters also suggested the creation of an EEDI Mgr role. This post was successfully filled in July and is a positive step on the journey to becoming a truly tolerant, diverse and inclusive party.

The E&D Committee also drove forward the creation of a template constitution to be used by liberation groups to assist them in making sure they are compliant with GPEW policy. This has been forwarded to GPRC and SOC for additional scrutiny. Hopefully, this will be OK as this was a collective effort supported by the committee.

Amendment #1

Delete the final paragraph of the report.

A final point of concern; the previous report to conference by the E&D Coordinators had been altered against the wishes of the authors. This is deeply disturbing as this was the report by two BAME GPEx members and it is naive to think altering the wording on an objectively written report will alter the failures to address ongoing issues of Equality and Diversity within the party.

Last updated on 2023-10-21 at 11:41