Autumn Conference 2023

Motion #02

Policy Development Committee (PDC) Report

Motion passed

The Committee met in August 2023 to consider 12 applications for accreditation – a possible record. The motions which it was agreed had met the criteria can be found in the C Section of this agenda. Accredited motions should show evidence that full consultation, both within and outwith the party has taken place, that high quality supporting evidence has been provided (usually a background paper), the motion is endorsed by a Policy Working Group or other recognised body within the party, and the motion is consistent with the Party’s strategic political objectives as advised by relevant bodies within the party. Accreditation does not mean endorsement from the committee, but that it is agreed that they have met these specific criteria. Yet again, the committee remarked upon the high-quality evidence submitted for all the motions which had clearly taken time and effort to produce – thank you. PDC welcomed a number of observers to this online accreditation meeting, and remind members that meetings are usually notified on Green Spaces in advance so that party members can be in attendance if they wish.

PDC recommended to Standing Orders Committee that the voting papers in the B section of the agenda were ready for consideration by conference on this occasion, as they had already been Draft Voting Papers at a previous conference and members had been adequately consulted. Those motions in the F section are Draft Voting Papers, including the Health Policies, and we look forward to further development on the work already done by members in this regard.

Fast tracking is a decision made by SOC in their report and if conference agrees. On this occasion PDC recommended that the Land Use changes and consolidating the IPPs are uncontentious and necessary steps required after decisions made during the last conference, and it would be best if they were passed without taking up precious plenary time. The other policy motions recommended are already in line with and build upon existing Green Party policies.

PDC will be undergoing and completing a number of tasks before the next conference, including co-option of 5 additional members to the committee, putting on Policy Fest and ensuring that the policy website is accurate and up to date amongst other things. If you would like to get involved with these activities, please get in touch via the email address. It has been an absolute pleasure to support our amazing volunteers on PDC and Policy Working Groups since 2020 as your co-ordinator, and I wish the all the very best to Anne Gayfer who will now be taking on the work as Policy Development Co-ordinator alongside the newly elected PDC team.

Last updated on 2023-10-21 at 11:41