Autumn Conference 2023

Motion #02

Nutrient Neutrality

89/12 co-proposers

SOC Note: Insert into Record of Policy Statements

The Green Party notes the recent media reports of the government’s intention to scrap the rules on Nutrient Neutrality and new housing as part of the King’s Speech. The Green Party peers and MP have previously opposed this measure as a clear breach of government promises not to use Brexit to weaken environmental rules. These proposals would result in greater profits for developers, while the taxpayer will pay for the cost of cleaning up the pollution.

This legislation was defeated in a Lords rebellion led by the Green Party peers. Numerous environmental groups have actively opposed dropping these safeguards. The public are already fed up with high levels of sewage and agricultural runoff in our waterways and do not want yet more pollution. 

We urge all green councillors in the areas protected by the existing rules on sensitive waterways to support motions to their council, opposing the removal of these safeguards and for our green representatives in parliament to continue their opposition.

Last updated on 2023-10-21 at 11:41