Motion #12
The multiplier for the prioritisation ballot was set too high. The intention was that all legit motions should get a chance to be heard within 4-6 conferences. But due to modified borda count being the voting system for the ballot, there is a much more even distribution on points than when we used standard borda count and therefore at a previous conference we had the last placed motion pushed to 4th by doubling it’s points after 2 conferences due to the multiplier being too generous. This motion will almost guarantee that all motions get debated after a maximum of 5 motions
In the Standing Orders for the Conduct of Conference, Section F, the Final Agenda F1 f) replace “0.5 for every preceding conference the motion has been proposed to without receiving a debate” with “(x multiplied by y), where x is the number of preceding conferences the motion has been proposed to without receiving a debate and y is a number calculated so that when multiplying motions by 1 plus (x multiplied by y) it would take the bottom ranked motion and reorder it to become the top ranked motion when x is equal to 4. This will almost guarantee that all motions are debated within a maximum of 5 conferences”. Delete “For example a motion that has been proposed to the preceding 3 conferences shall have their points multiplied by 1.75” so that it reads:
f) where a motion has been proposed to directly preceding conferences but not debated due to time restraints the points received by said motion will be multiplied by 1 plus (x multiplied by y), where x is the number of preceding conferences the motion has been proposed to without receiving a debate and y is a number calculated so that when multiplying motions by 1 plus (x multiplied by y) it would take the bottom ranked motion and reorder it to become the top ranked motion when x is equal to 4. This will almost guarantee that all motions are debated within a maximum of 5 conferences. The wording of the motion can be slightly changed so long as the aims and intentions of the motion are not changed, and SOC shall have final say on this.