Motion #20
Green Party Seniors Committee members are:
Green Seniors has 271 members. These are all full members of GPEW who have specifically asked to be signed up. Membership of Green Seniors, along with the other Special Interest Groups, is open to all members of GPEW, however only members aged 55 and over can vote and stand for election.
Green Seniors has a Google Group which members can use for email discussions. Many members enjoy these discussions and engage frequently. However, the Committee became aware that some members were unsubscribing as they found the emails too numerous and it was decided to use Action Network for the membership list. This means that members do not accidentally unsubscribe from Seniors if they unsubscribe from the Google Group.
Seniors use the Google Group to alert members to national campaigns - such as Stop the Cumbrian coalmine, or Support the NHS - or to the activities of other Special Interest Groups, for instance Disability Greens, with which we have shared interests. Seniors in London were invited to a Round Table discussion with Zoe Garbett, London Mayoral candidate.
Topics discussed on email threads have been many and varied, including:
There is a Seniors stream on Green Spaces.
The Committee does not take it for granted that members understand the internal workings of GPEW, the composition of GPEx, or the process for putting a motion to Conference, or supporting a motion that has already been drafted.
We send out a newsletter approximately once a month. We keep it short and readable and always include items on what is going on at the time inside the Green Party as well as items which we feel our membership would find interesting. Our aim is to make all members feel more included in internal affairs as well as external campaigning.
The Committee holds a meeting approximately once a month, to which all Seniors are invited and can contribute if time allows.
At our meeting in March, Marcus Grant, Senior and member of the Health Policy Working Group, gave us a presentation on the new Health policy which is currently in preparation.
After the local elections in May, we received interesting feedback on the Mid Suffolk results from Eric Walker, Committee member, who is in Eastern Region.
Green Seniors Co-Chairs attend Political Committee (PolCom) and Equality & Diversity Committee. Individual members also observe SOC, GPEx and GPRC meetings. Attendees report back to the wider membership either at Committee meetings or in the newsletter.
Green Seniors always has a presence at Conference. This has been very helpful in recruiting new members and networking. Seniors take a special interest in all aspects of the accessibility of Conference including; cost; location of venue; ease of getting around inside; facilities to assist the visually or hearing impaired and those with mobility problems.
Seniors are not particularly active online, but this is not due to any inability or unwillingness on our part, more that we simply don’t have enough volunteers for the various roles. We have:
Last updated on 2023-10-21 at 11:41