Motion #17
Over the past year we have continued to ensure that Greens for Animal Protection (GAP) has taken an active role in various aspects within the Green party. We have regularly attended meetings of the Equality and Diversity Committee and been pro-active in producing documents for that committee. We have also attended meetings of PolCom whenever possible.
We attended an online session of the Association of Green Councillors and spoke about the work of GAP and offered our services as a resource for councillors on animal related issues.
We continue to maintain close ties with the Animal Rights Policy Working Group and have helped identify AR Policy areas that require updates and, externally, have liaised with representatives of the Alliance Against Greyhound Racing to feed into the current ARPWG motion to conference.
GAP currently has 329 Green Party members on Action Network with an increase of 25 in the last two months. This is 162 higher than this time last year so shows a good level of increase in support for the work we do.
We have been able to continue to have a stall at conference staffed by our members and furnished with leaflets and information from a variety of sources which include Animal Aid, PETA, Viva!, and the League Against Cruel Sports, all of which send us their materials free of charge and thank us for the support we provide.
We are pleased to see that conference now caters for people who eat a plant-based diet exclusively and hope we can look forward to a time when animal-based products are eschewed by all, if not solely for are reduction in the pain and suffering caused to creatures, then perhaps in solidarity with the struggle against global heating.
Last updated on 2023-10-21 at 11:41